
Animal Birth Control Ward

The ward accommodates 50 dogs and 16 cats for sterilisation.

Cattle Shed and Ward

The Cattle Ward has a capacity of 25 cattle as well as an open paddock for 50 cattle. Cattle are kept here in an open shed to allow for free movement.

Horse Ward

There are 16 stalls for the horses as well as an open paddock for them to exercise.

Bird Aviary

Our spacious aviary can accommodate up to 25 birds of various types.

Cat Ward

This ward has a capacity for 77 cats which can be housed independently in stainless steel cages.

Dog Ward

Our five wards for dogs have a combined capacity for 151 dogs in independent kennels.

Isolation Ward for Infectious/Contagious Diseases

There are two kennels for dogs with rabies, seven kennels for the distemper cases and nine kennels for parvovirus cases.