Over the years, thanks to the generosity of our donors, we have had the opportunity to provide the following facilities to our patients and out team.

Modern air-conditioned ward for medical and surgical cases
This ward has a capacity of 10 kennels for each category. It is a fully air-conditioned unit.

My Pet Ward
In this ward, pet owners can stay with their animals during their hospitalisation periods. We have a total of 6 kennels.

Hospital Kitchen
Our hospital kitchen provides fresh feed and fodder for the sick/injured/ abandoned animals admitted to our hospital.

Central Oxygen Pipeline
Our hospital kitchen provides fresh feed and fodder for the sick/injured/ abandoned animals admitted to our hospital.

X-Ray for Small and Large Animals
Our digital X-Ray facility serves small animals, such as dogs, cats and birds.

Isolation Ward for Infectious and Contagious Diseases (Parvovirus, Distemper and Rabies)
We are well prepared to Isolate infectious animals, with two kennels for suspected rabies, seven for distemper, nine for parvovirus.

Fully equipped Medical Store
The hospital has a fully equipped medical store with sufficient medical equipment for the day-to-day treatment of 300 animals.

Liquid Natural Gas Crematorium
Our modern facility ensures a hygienic and peaceful departure for your loved ones.

Animal Ambulance
Our ambulance facilities serve both small and large animals.

Out Patient Department
Our OPD is run along with the Bombay Veterinary College, and we treat about 50 animals per day here..